Thank you for considering Damian L. Boyd as a partner with you in ministry.  He serves local congregations, University Campuses, and also collaborates with ministries like yours. He also invests heavily in his son, and is very intentional about maintaining a healthy relationship with his wife.

In all of these areas of life and ministry, Damian seeks to be prayerful and careful about the additional ministry opportunities. He will take your request very seriously. Please pray with him as he seeks the Lord’s leading about the opportunity you are placing before him.

To help him in considering your request, please provide the following information:

 What is the nature of your event?

 Please describe the group to whom he would be communicating:

 What are the primary goals for this event?

 Church or Group Name:

 Date(s) of event:

 Location and Address:

 Contact Information

        Contact Person:

Office Phone Number:

Cell Phone Number:

        E-Mail Address:

        Mailing Address:


Budgeted Honorarium:

Budgeted Expenses (travel, food, etc.)           

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