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Many people wrestle with the concept of effectiveness and significance. It might surprise you that churches have the same difficulty. Our church has decided that we will measure success by our impact on the lives of others and the overall community. We have named our outreach efforts “LOVE.” We call it, LOVE.(period) because too often our love toward others comes off as love + do what I want, or love + give this back, or love + cross off these items. That in no way resembles the unconditional love we have received from Jesus. Sadly, we place these seemingly spiritual requirements around the necks of others, and it unfairly weighs them down.

It’s easy to see this weak representation of love in the tough community in which our church, Vertical Church, is located. Child sex trafficking, drugs, high home foreclosures rates, etc. are quite the norm in the West End/Vine City areas. The interesting thing is that the community has been overlooked by many, and taken advantage of by others under the banners of “Community Development” and/or “Community Enhancement”. So, our response has been to first ask community leaders, “How can we help you?”  This was shocking to many because in the past people came into the area with prepackaged programs based on presumed premises, that failed. They were surprised further by the fact that we actually did what we said we would do.

This recently came up in a conversation I had with some members of another new church in the community. Our uniqueness is that my wife and I were educated in the community and extremely acquainted with the needs and struggles in the neighborhood. My new friends turned the conversation towards the role of personal responsibility in an individual’s life and how that responsibility builds dignity. I mentioned to them that although that is the goal, helping the immediate needs of the people gives you the creditability to help them help themselves. I believe in the process of a person taking responsibility for their lives. But, if a person’s house is on fire, and you are trying to sell them a sprinkler system, you first have to put the fire out!

We recently had a woman take a step in their journey to finding her own strength. We met this single mother before Thanksgiving last year. We provided her meals for the Thanksgiving and Christmas and gifts for both she and her children for Christmas. Over time she has become a part of our church, started serving, and is now working alongside of us as we serve the community. This is a powerful story happening right before our eyes. We also have people in the area who are not ready, so we will serve them where they are until they are ready to move forward. In these situations we don’t judge the people based on their struggles. We didn’t see them as a project, we see them as people who Jesus died for and loves. We can’t help others discover their dignity without seeing them as the dynamic person they are.

So, who benefits of our LOVE. efforts? If they are breathing, then they are welcomed. We do our best to focus on their disconnection from a Savior who created them and try to look beyond their condition. So, I’ve had a crack-addicted prostitute call me pastor, and she is overjoyed to have my listening ear and to know that she is not “too dirty” for me. To do that, I have to look beyond her condition, possibly meet her immediate need, and love her unconditionally. We have to stop looking at people and identifying them by their biggest struggle or issue. We too often see lying, drug dealing, homosexual, fornicating, rather than see people for whom Jesus died. To LOVE. we must see past people’s struggles to reach for their hearts.

LOVE. is the idea that we just love people and help them take whatever step they are prepared to take. Not placing on them some manufactured presets that don’t fit them and that may not be adequate. We will meet the immediate needs and help them find their own unique calling and giftedness. To be honest some may not come along for the ride, others will take a step or two, yet others will shine like stars. We never know who will respond to Christ’s call, or when they will do it. It is our responsibility to show His love and tell His truth to others no matter what package the person comes in. The truth is no matter how great our programs, no matter how amazing our training models, only God can change a heart, which is the only way to have lasting change in a persons life. LOVE. is God’s grace on display.

Reader Comments (1)

It's amazing to me the whole push for living more "missional" when in fact it's just doing what Jesus did. This is what Jesus did, no? Church was never a building for him and shouldn't be today. A true revival happens when Christians leave the building and meet Jesus on the streets. Thanks for carrying this vision out in your community!

March 13, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTim Ivey

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